The information on this page is NOT for real aviation. Just use this data for simulation with X-Plane!

YPEA - RAAF Base Pearce


Name RAAF Base Pearce
Elevation in feet 149


Type Frequ. Ident Loc/GS Rwy Name
LOC/ILS 110.70 IPE 173 18L ILS-cat-I
LOC/ILS 111.90 IPC 353 36R ILS-cat-I
GS/ILS 110.70 IPE 173/300 18L GS
GS/ILS 111.90 IPC 353/300 36R GS

X-Plane sceneries for RAAF Base Pearce

Link to the gateway
AussiePak7 (10.01.2014)
(RAAF) pearce airforce base YPEA WA 1.1.0 (2016-12-03)
(RAAF) pearce airforce base YPEA WA 1.1.0 (03.12.2016)


Rwy Surface Width (m) Length (m) Blast (m)
18L/36R Asphalt 49.99 2446 124
05/23 Asphalt 45.11 1694 156
18R/36L Asphalt 29.87 1753 117


Type Name Frequ.
Unicom (US), CTAF (US), Radio (UK) CTAF 118.30
Clearance Delivery CLNC DEL 134.10
Ground GND 127.25
Tower TWR 118.30
Approach PERTH APP 123.60
Approach PERTH DEP 118.70
Approach APP 130.19
Approach APP 130.20
Departure DEP 135.90